Moon and Stars Encouragement Card

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Hey all! Have you ever had to send that encouragement card to someone pursuing their dreams? Over The Moon Clear Stamp Set and it’s matching die cuts are fantastic for an encouragement card and many others with the stamp set’s great sentiments and cute images.

I decided to make my favorite kind of card – shaker! You all know by now that I love to make them. They just add that extra fun touch and love to the cards. I have a video at the bottom of my post so you can see how I made the card.

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For the moon part of the shaker card, I actually put the white cardstock through the die cut machine with the Stitched Circles Die and the Moon from the matching die cuts to the stamp set, at the same time. It made it a lot easier to cut out, less time, and easier all the way around for lining things up.

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I wanted a bit more texture on the card because it seemed a little plain, so I used the Mixed Circles (or as I like to call it bubbles) stencil with the moon that I saved for the cut out that I put behind the shaker toppings (you can kind of see in the photo above), along with the purple cardstock pieces.

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I really like this sentiment in this stamp set. It is probably one of my favorites. As a parent, I am always encouraging my children to shoot for their dreams, and telling them they are great at various things they do. I am sure a lot of you reading my blog know exactly what that is like. If it isn’t your children, then it is always our loved ones we are encouraging.

Want to watch a video of how it was made? Check it out below! 

The Copic markers I used are:

  • Bunny Clothes: V20, 22, 25, 28
  • Bunny: C0 (for a bit of shading even if it isn’t coming through well on the photos) 

Cardstock sizes:

  • White card base: 4 1/4 x 11 (folded in half for card base),
  • Purple cardstock: 5 1/4 x 4
  • White cardstock: 5 x 3 3/4

The materials I used:Rubbernecker Blog e8ed85ca-3447-4b95-a51b-f97d1a5e1285

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