The Rubbernecker Cyber Monday Sale ends tomorrow and you do NOT want to miss out!
We wanted to give you a head’s up that our epic Rubbernecker Cyber Monday Sale ends tomorrow, Thursday, November 30th at midnight CST. There are still 125 items in the special Cyber Monday section on our website at 15% off and they are all NEW items!
That’s right – for our Rubbernecker Cyber Monday 2023 sale we decided to offer all the 2023 new items we released all year. From stamps to stencils to paper pads, there are LOADS of items ready for you to snap up on sale and they are all brandy-new, latest and greatest goodies from this year.
The items that have sold out have been removed from the special sale section so if you see something in there you want, grab it now! The savings show up as you check out………….
All orders that total $300 and Up will receive
an additional 20% discount at check out.
All Orders $200-$299.99 will receive
an additional 15% discount at check out.
All Orders $100-$199.99 will receive
an additional 10% discount at check out.
Yes we are a little goofy about a sale – we get as excited as you do! So we are thrilled to add these extra bonus discounts to your orders. And if that’s not enough to get your giddy, all your purchases, sales included, count toward your Gold Status. We WANT you to have our goodies in your stash and we WANT you to get the most out of your crafting budget as you can!
If there’s anything you saw this year that you didn’t snap up and it’s still on your wish list, get on over there and add it to your cart before the Rubbernecker Cyber Monday Sale ends tomorrow night.