Handmade Greeting Card Ideas for Men

Rubbernecker Blog KC-Rubbernecker-5167-01D-Birch-Forest-2-right

It is not always easy to come up with handmade greeting card ideas for men.  I usually turn to some kind of nature theme scene with animals and trees.  Deer are my favorite to use.  For this project I used the Rubbernecker Birch Forest, Deer Family, Birds, Spring Leaves, Grass, Grass #2, Flower Buds and Flower Stems.

Rubbernecker Blog KC-Rubbernecker-5167-01D-Birch-Forest-2-right

The Card Base and Blue Background

  • Cut an A2 sized white card base. 
  • Use white cardstock to cut a scene base to fit behind the tree panel.
  • Apply a blue sky background using a blender brush and Tumbled Glass ink.
  • Cut the blue sky background layer to fit behind the Birch Forest Panel.
  • Attach the blue background layer to the card base using ATG adhesive.

The Birch, Leaves and Grass Layers

  • Cut the birch tree panel using white cardstock.
  • Cut the leaves and three grass layers using green cardstock.
  • Use a mini applicator to apply touches of Pumice Stone ink to the notches on the birch trees.
  • Attach the tiny small leaves to the birch tree branches using glossy accents.
  • Use ATG adhesive to attach one grass layer to the blue background.
  • Apply mounting tape to the back of the birch frame and attach it to the blue scene layer.
  • Attach one grass layer flat to the front of the birch trees using ATG adhesive. 
  • Use a strip of mounting tape to attach the second grass layer to the front of the scene.
  • Cut two Grass #2 sections and tuck the sprigs in behind the grass layers and attach using glossy accents.

Rubbernecker Blog KC-Rubbernecker-5167-01D-Birch-Forest-2-center

Color the Deer

  • Cut the deer using white cardstock.
  • Use a mini applicator to apply a light layer of Antique Linen ink over the deer body.
  • Apply darker shades of brown using a mini applicator and Vintage Photo ink.
  • Check out my Coloring Animals tutorial to see step by step photos of how I applied color to the deer.

Complete the Masculine Card

  • Cut the birds and flower buds using red cardstock and the flower stems using green cardstock.
  • Form the flowers using a small tipped stylus and molding pad and attach them to the flower stems using glossy accents.
  • Color the beaks of the birds using a black marker.
  • Attach a double layer of mounting tape to the back of the deer, tuck it in behind the grass layer and attach to the card base.
  • Apply small pieces of mounting tape to the back of the two birds and attach to the tree trunks.
  • Finish by tucking the flower stems and a few extra grass sprigs in behind the grass and attach using glossy accents.
  • Note:  The red birds and flowers add small touches of color and interest to scene without taking away from the masculine theme.


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Here are the dies used for my project.

Rubbernecker Blog 5167-01D-2T
Birch Forest Die Cut 5167-01D
[ RBB ]
Rubbernecker Blog 5162-10D-2T
Deer Family Die Cut 5162-10D
[ RBB ]
Rubbernecker Blog 5142-05D-2T
Birds Die 5142-05D
[ RBB ]
Rubbernecker Blog 5152-03D-2T
Tabed Grass Set Die Cut 5152-03D
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Rubbernecker Blog 5210-02D-2T
5210-02D Grass #2 Die Cut
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Rubbernecker Blog 5147-05D-2T
Flower Stems Die 5147-05D
[ RBB ]
Rubbernecker Blog 5147-09D-2T
Flower Buds Die Cut 5147-09D
[ RBB ]
Rubbernecker Blog 5309-06D-2T
5309-06D Spring Leaves Die
[ RBB ]

I have no idea how often I have made a masculine card with a deer and tree theme.  But I know that nature scenes offer lots of inspiration for those handmade greeting card ideas for men because you can’t go wrong with nature! Check out my Birch Tree and Deer Scene to see the same dies used for a winter themed card and my Woodland Deer Scene using a mother and baby deer.  Pinterest has tons of masculine card ideas for inspiration.  I appreciate you coming by today and I hope you have a good Sunday. 

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