Who else is ready for some Holly and some Jolly in their lives and looking for some holiday card planning help? Christmas cards are a way to spread so much joy during the holidays, and nothing is more enjoyable than receiving a handmade card in the mail. The time and heart that goes into making each card, is something every recipient can appreciate and now, more than ever, a little extra love can go a long way!
We are so excited to help you in your holiday card planning as part of our Christmas in July Celebration! Find so many amazing holiday items on our site.
The second way we are helping our fellow crafters is by offering this sweet holiday card planning sheet, helping you maximize your card output and plan ahead. Nobody likes to feel overwhelmed, especially while crafting. Rubbernecker is here to help!
Click on the image below and check your download folder!
So go ahead, consult your holiday card planner and check out the shop! Then, we hope you come back for the rest of the week as we have some fun holiday projects to share! Tomorrow we will have a roundup of a whole bunch of beautiful Christmas cards, Thursday we will feature holiday cards that are non-denominational and Friday we have a super surprise planned with all kinds of inspiration! Come back every day and start your own holiday card planning!