Poinsettia and Mistletoe Together? Stunning!

Rubbernecker Blog KC-Rubbernecker-5514-07D-Buildable-Poinsettia-1-left-640x521-1

See what happens when you mix poinsettia and mistletoe together on a card!

We are so lucky to be able to share this gorgeous card from Kittie with you today! We saw this on her blog and seeing poinsettia and mistletoe together in such a beautiful way compelled us to ask her if we could show it off. (Of course she said yes, she’s a peach!)

Kittie combined FOUR brand new products on this card – our new Buildable Poinsettia die set, our “triple threat” newMistletoe set, the new Greenery #3, the new Quilted Stitch Pierced Cover die and the Joy Word with Shadow from our new holiday words collection –  and we are gaga over it.

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All that beautiful texture from the pierced cover die in the background accented with the texture created when using two of the nested frames from our Rectangle Combo OPC #4 die and then that fat, luscious poinsettia surrounded by all that winter foliage – you can’t stop looking away from it!

Rubbernecker Blog

Speaking of that poinsettia, here’s a closer look. We designed this die set specifically to let you create flowers that are the perfect size for a card accent, like on this project, and also seamlessly fit in with any of our other poinsettia dies so you can create a true assortment of blossoms.

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Here is what you will want to have to make this card at home:

Rubbernecker Blog 5514-07D-2T
5514-07D Buildable Poinsettia Die
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Rubbernecker Blog 5514-06D-2T
5514-06D Mistletoe Die
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Rubbernecker Blog 5514-04D-2T
5514-04D Greenery #3 Die
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Rubbernecker Blog 5515-05D-2T
5515-05D Joy Word w/ Shadow Die
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Rubbernecker Blog 5512-05D-2T
5512-05D Quilted Stitch Pierced Cover
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Rubbernecker Blog 5217D-2T
5217D Rectangle Combo OPC #4 Die Cut
[ RBB ]

Over on her post, Kittie is sharing all the steps you need to know to make this at home and she has so many great details and tips you won’t want to miss so be sure to check it out.

Just think of the expression on someone’s face when they open this card you made with that gorgeous poinsettia and mistletoe together with winter greenery as the accent. They will be so stunned and amazed and you will be so proud!


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