As part of our huge warehouse cleanout, we’ve got loads of Rubbernecker Christmas greetings on sale. Since you will be seeing tons of great holiday projects as part of our Christmas in July 2021 inspiration, we wanted to make sure you grabbed what you want to use this year now while it’s still available.
Here are some but not all of the Holiday stamps that are on sale – most were priced at $4.30 and are not on sale for a rock-bottom $2.95.
We do recommend that you check out ALL the items on sale – this is a BIG ONE – because once these items are gone, they are G-O-N-E as they are. And there are many stamps of which we had so many we stopped counting at about 100 for which there are less then 20 already!
And check back tomorrow for a throwback post that makes one of the best uses we’ve seen for a large holiday greeting! In the meantime at least check out which Rubbernecker Christmas greetings on sale you’ve always wanted and grab them now!