Rusted Metal Copic Marker Style!

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Before we get into today’s AHmazing tips on creating rusted metal – Copic markers tp the rescue……..we have to say “What a week!”.

We have had so much fun with all the new die-cut releases, our Sizzix machine is smoking from running so many cuts – haha. We thought we will give it a break and spend some time with our trusty Copics today and do some coloring to close out the week. 

We have so many fun stamps that are perfect for coloring, and today we have this fabulous old tractor that has been with us for many years! An oldie, but a goodie!  We used a good handful of colors to get that old working machine look. This tractor is still looking in pretty good shape but you could take this further if you wanted to. Today we will give you the step by step instructions, but there will be a video next Wednesday with a real time coloring of this full image, so be sure to check back then as well! 

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  • Start with the base of the tractor, use W1 and W3 to create shape on all the soon to be green areas of the tractor.
  • Without blending move onto the YG03 and YG67 right on top of the warm grays. YG03 will cover all areas that have the gray and the YG67 will go in the darker gray areas.
  • Work into the green areas creating areas of rust and dirt. I focused on edges and under the fender.
  • Use the E93 over large areas.
  • Follow that with the E99 in specific rusty, dirty areas.
  • Go over the rust/dirt areas with the G20 this not only will soften the areas and bleach out some areas for wear.
  • Now all the rest of the details. C5, C7, C9 on the tires.
  • small details of the gears, steering wheel and step with R14 and R46.
  • Lighter metal areas with C1, C3 and a little C5.
  • Add a little mud and rust on the wheels and edges with E93 and E99.
  • Go over the dirt and rust with the G20 to soften and bleach some areas.
  • Now all the rest of the details. C5, C7, C9 on the tires.
  • small details of the gears, steering wheel and step with R14 and R46.
  • Lighter metal areas with C1, C3 and a little C5.
  • Add a little mud and rust on the wheels and edges with E93 and E99.
  • Go over the dirt and rust with the G20 to soften and bleach some areas.
  • Finish up the background creating rows in the field with a wash of E31 and scribbles of E35.
  • Add extra E35 under the tractor for a cast shadow.
  • Use BV23 in the cast shadow to cool the area and ground the image more firmly.
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Ahhh! There are few things in life as satisfying as a completed project with Copic markers. There are endless possibilities to make this your own. We would love to see how this project inspired you, so be sure to share with us on social media.  Check back next week for a fun video by Michelle! 

Have a Happy Colorful Day!

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