Coloring New Slimline Background Stamps

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The only thing more exciting about our brand new slimline background stamps being here is seeing what everyone is doing with them! We sure hope your coloring fingers are ready! You are in for a real treat when you see what our super talented designer has done with our new Halloween slimline background stamp!

As usual, Michelle, our Copic Expert, is sharing some great tips below in how she turned one of these new slimline background stamps into piece of actual art!

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Michelle started with all of the elements in the image that would be orange working one or two sections at a time. She starts with the darkest shade in the areas that will have the deepest shadows and then uses the other shades to overlap and blend out to the lightest areas.

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Now that you’ve filled in your orange areas, work on the areas that will be colored with your black shades. Go in to the deepest shadow areas with your black (or darkest gray) and use sequentially lighter grays to pull the color out into the white areas. Blend, blend blend for that seamless look Michelle gets every time! PRO TIP: Use your colorless blender to soften your edges and to add highlights. Another PRO TIP: if the object is shiny add a “bright” highlight; if it is matte, use less contrast. (Don’t you just LOVE Michelle’s tips???)

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Now go through and pick out the areas you want to do in purple. The shadows will of course call for your darkest shade, overlapped with your midtones and pulled into the lightest areas. “Scavenger hunt” your slimline background stamp for all the spots you want to add this color that is so perfectly complementary to the orange.

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Now punch it up with some bright yellow greens! Here Michelle used a midtone yellow green for the darkest spots and worked in the lighter yellow greens to add that incredible 3-D shading she makes look so easy! PRO TIP: Michelle says this is a really fun opportunity to use a fluorescent Copic if you have one!!

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Now we dive into the browns that add nice neutrals to this color poppin’ creation. Michelle used simple light and dark combination of brown shades, coloring first with the light and adding those shading details with the dark.

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Next Michelle added all the little detail that make this image come to life. She used small touches of a light yellow to eyes and flames with the midtone yellow used earlier, used her colorless blender to fade areas into white where appropriate, added texture like the dots for bricks on the buildings and filled in spaces between images with her darkest purple to allow the objects to come forward and really stand out.

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Just LOOK at this! Isn’t Michelle AH-mazing? You could use this all on its own, as a background for a slimline card, chop it up to use on smaller cards or as detail areas or just frame it an hang it on the wall!

And because Michelle is such a generous sharer, she will have a video for us soon showing how she created this!

We are always in awe with Michelle’s talent and we just love how she truly did turn one of our slimline background stamps into a work of art!

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