Rubbernecker July 2023 Project Roundup

Rubbernecker Blog RN-Roundup

Could it REALLY be time for our Rubbernecker July 2023 Project Roundup already?

Is it just us or did July FLY by! We can’t believe it’s already time to share our Rubbernecker July 2023 Project Roundup with all of the projects we shared this month. Maybe it’s because we’ve been furiously packing orders from our Christmas in July release……..which was, of course, this month’s theme.

Here are all the cards we featured this month. If you missed anything, just click on the image below and you will get brought right to the post where you can learn more.

We started out with patriotic and ended with a cat cozied up to a Christmas tree cupcake and we had a blast! How about you? Did you get inspired? Started organizing your card making plans? Get some insight on this year’s trends? Do you wish we had MORE holiday goodness to share?

Well, we DO! August’s theme is going to be MORE holiday and Christmas inspiration, this time focused on some of our older items so you can get a fresh take on goodies you might already have. And you can freshen up the fun of those items by adding in new stuff and have a whole new set of things to use to create new ideas.

Stay tuned and stay cool as you review our Rubbernecker July 2023 Project Roundup!

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